Star Citizen News, Information, Guides and Reviews

Fashion in the ‘Verse

Bacchus System
Bacchus System The Bacchus system is a part of the Banu Protectorate. The UEE believes that the Banu could originally be from the second planet in the system, Bacchus II. At the center of the […]

Taranis System
Taranis System Taranis is an unclaimed system that features 4 planets and an A-type main sequence dwarf star at its center. There are jump points to the Terra, Helios, Ellis, and Genesis systems. The system […]

Star Citizen: Calling All Devs – Player vs. Player
Pretty much everyone has strong feelings about PvP in one way or the other. Some people love it, and some people just despise it. This Calling All Devs episode hits on when and where PvP […]

Inside Star Citizen: Alpha 3.10 Approaches | Spring 2020
Inside Star Citizen hits the changes coming to 3.10 with flight and ship combat. They really dig into the changes that happened with atmospheric flight from how the shape of the ship plays a part […]

Star Citizen Live: Sounds of a Life in Space
The Sound Design Team answers a ton of sound questions this week, starting by explaining what the different members do. I feel like the sound of Star Citizen is often overlooked and underappreciated. Some of […]

Inside Star Citizen: Enemy Mine | Spring 2020
Inside Star Citizen this week covers the thought process that went into the new creepy, organic look of the Vanduul ships. The main change in the fighters comes from the way that the Vanduul enter […]

Star Citizen Live: Alien Week Roundtable
Star Citizen Live has a panel from the lore team to answer backer questions about alien races. When will we hear more about the Kr’Thak? Are there any alien music instruments planed? and more info […]

Inside Star Citizen: Creature Feature | Spring 2020
This Inside Star Citizen focuses on the creation of predators that we’ll eventually encounter in Star Citizen. Senior character artist, Chance Rowe, takes a few minutes to explain how they’re planning to add these predators […]

Star Citizen Live: Effecting Visuals
Star Citizen Live: Effecting Visuals Star Citizen Live for this week interviews VFX Director Mike Snowdon. He discusses everything that his team does to make items look real in the ‘verse. star citizen Are you […]

Inside Star Citizen: Hover Over Origin | 3.5 Ep. 7
Inside Star Citizen: Hover Over Origin | 3.5 Ep. 7 This week’s episode of Inside Star Citizen shows off the Origin 890 Jump. It also delves deeper into customization and the new VTOL flight mechanics. […]

Star Citizen Live: Making Ship Up
Star Citizen Live: Making Ship Up John Crewe, Paul Jones, and Ben Parr are with Disco this week to give us a peek into what goes into making the ships and vehicles what they are. […]

Inside Star Citizen: Prowlin’ the Black Market
Inside Star Citizen: Prowlin’ the Black Market This week’s episode checks out the latest update on the Esperia Prowler. There’s also a great update on what we can expect with ship customization. We also get […]

Star Citizen Live: Holes in the Ground
Star Citizen Live: Holes in the Ground Patrick Gladys and Florian Sollaneck are on this week’s Star Citizen Live. They’re from the Planet Content Team and walk us through the new cave systems that are […]

Inside Star Citizen: An Origin Story | 3.5 Ep. 5
Inside Star Citizen: An Origin Story | 3.5 Ep. 5 This episode of Inside Star Citizen focuses on the new design of the 300 series. Some of the new features found on the 300 series […]

Star Citizen Live: Subscriber Event Special
Star Citizen Live: Subscriber Event Special This episode of Star Citizen Live has Josh Herman, Sean Tracy and Mark Abent answering questions from a live subscriber studio audience and live from the chat on Twitch. If […]

Inside Star Citizen: 890 Reasons | 3.5 Ep. 4
Inside Star Citizen: 890 Reasons This week’s Inside Star Citizen is great if you’ve been dying to get a sneak peek at the 890 Jump! There’s also a look at some advances in the underlying […]

Star Citizen Live: Animation Application
Star Citizen Live: Animation Application Star Citizen Live this week is focused on how animations problem-solving works. Lead Animator Bryan Brewer used the emotes from some of the backers that were captured at last year’s […]

Inside Star Citizen: Riders of the Range | 3.5 Ep. 3
Riders of the Range | 3.5 Ep. 3 This week’s Inside Star Citizen checks out the improved look of ArcCorp and how the audio made a massive improvement from 3.4 to 3.5. Overall, the improvements […]